Getting elementary packages ready for Fedora

The process of submitting elementary packages for inclusion in the fedora repositories has begun!

After quite a lengthy review process, my granite package has finally been approved - it's already in the rawhide repositories and is on its way to f25/updates-testing (more real-time information about the package can be found there:

Also, due to this being my first positive package review, I am now an official contributor to the fedora project (and member of the "packager" group).

I will work on preparing the pantheon / elementary core desktop apps (calculator, files, terminal, etc.) next and I will submit them for package review once they are ready.

I think the desktop shell is the least polished bit of the elementary packages on fedora right now, so I'll be doing those packages last - to also give the upstream developers more feedback and time to improve the experience on fedora before requesting inclusion of the affected packages into the main fedora repositories.