Stewardship SIG Report (January 2020)

We only pushed a few Java package updates in January, including some minor updates for the Jackson stack.

First, we updated the apache parent POM to the latest version.

package version release changes
apache-parent 22 1.fc32 21 → 22

We also pushed the 2.10.2 releases of the Jackson stack to rawhide.

package version release changes
jackson-bom 2.10.2 1.fc32 2.10.1 → 2.10.2
jackson-annotations 2.10.2 1.fc32 2.10.1 → 2.10.2
jackson-core 2.10.2 1.fc32 2.10.1 → 2.10.2
jackson-databind 2.10.2 1.fc32 2.10.1 → 2.10.2
jackson-modules-base 2.10.2 1.fc32 2.10.1 → 2.10.2
jackson-jaxrs-providers 2.10.2 1.fc32 2.10.1 → 2.10.2

Last, we pushed the latest version of the Bean Validation API to rawhide.

package version release changes
bean-validation-api 2.0.1 1.fc32 1.1.0 → 2.0.1