This week in elementary + Fedora (2017w21)
fedora updates
The following packages / updates were submitted for fedora 24, 25, 26 and rawhide. This week, elementary package updates make up the whole list.
- wingpanel-indicator-notifications (2.0.1-1, minor upstream update; changes)
- appcenter (0.2.2-1, minor upstream update; changes)
- wingpanel-indicator-bluetooth (2.0.2-1, minor upstream update; changes)
- switchboard-plug-notifications (0.1.2-1, minor upstream update; changes)
- wingpanel-indicator-ayatana (2.0.3-1, minor upstream update; changes)
- pantheon-agent-polkit (0.1.4-1, minor upstream update; changes)
COPR updates
The following upstream releases were pushed to the repository as updates:
- switchboard-plug-useraccounts (0.1.4-1, minor upstream update; changes)
- switchboard-plug-security-privacy (0.1.2-1, major "minor" upstream update; changes)
- switchboard-plug-locale (0.2.3-1, really minor upstream update; changes)
Since the latest release of the "Security & Privacy" plug includes so much changed code, rebasing the patch to use firewalld instead of ufw is too much work for me right now - so, I've adapted the packaging to use ufw again (for now).
These packages were adapted to use git for building snapshots:
- wingpanel-indicator-notifications (part of the 2.0.1 version bump)
- switchboard-plug-useraccounts (part of the 0.1.4 version bump)
- wingpanel-indicator-bluetooth (part of the 2.0.2 version bump)
- switchboard-plug-notifications (part of the 0.1.2 version bump)
- wingpanel-indicator-ayatana (part of the 2.0.3 version bump)
- pantheon-agent-polkit (part of the 0.1.4 version bump)