This week in Fedora (2018w19)

This week I've published new releases for the Pantheon session settings files for fedora 27 and 28, which I also pushed as updates to those fedora releases. Additionally, I updated the liquid ruby gem, which is an orphaned package I took over because it is a dependency of jekyll, to the latest upstream version.

fedora updates

package version release changes
rubygem-liquid 4.0.0 1.fc29 (Changelog is too big for GitHub to parse)
pantheon-session-settings 28.0 1.fc29 Changelog
pantheon-session-settings 28.0 1.fc28 Changelog
pantheon-session-settings 28.1 1.fc29 Changelog
pantheon-session-settings 28.1 1.fc29 Changelog
pantheon-session-settings 27.1 1.fc27 Changelog

COPR updates

I've pushed updated builds of pantheon-greeter to my elementary-nightly COPR repository, which should now display the default wallpaper correctly.

Project updates

As mentioned above, I've released new versions of the fedora-specific pantheon-session-settings project:

  • 28.0 to synchronize files with fedora 28 final / GNOME 3.28.2
  • 28.1 to fix locking the screen from Pantheon (when running atop LightDM)
  • 27.1 to fix locking the screen from Pantheon (when running atop LightDM)

The detailed changes between these and the previous releases are linked above.