This week in Fedora (2018w46)

This was a pretty average week, with some bug-fix and feature updates, and a (well-announced) SONAME bump necessitating some rebuilds in fedora rawhide. Also, in preparation for fedora 27 reaching its end-of-life, I've stopped pushing updates and disabled nightly builds for this fedora release.

fedora updates

elementary packages

I've updated notejot to the latest version (twice) this week, bringing UI and build system improvements.

package version release changes
notejot 1.5.0 1.fc30, 1.fc29, 1.fc28 1.4.5 → 1.5.0
notejot 1.5.1 1.fc30, 1.fc29, 1.fc28 1.5.0 → 1.5.1

I had to submit rebuilds of the elementary Calendar and the Date and Time indicator for wingpanel, due to an SONAME bump introduced with the latest version of evolution-data-server.

package version release changes
elementary-calendar 4.2.3 2.fc30 Rebuild
wingpanel-indicator-datetime 2.1.2 2.fc30 Rebuild

This week, I was also able to push the final missing piece of the SignOn stack - the Mail plugin - to fedora.

package version release changes
gsignond-plugin-mail 0.3.0 1.fc30 Initial packaging

I also updated dippi, the "buyers guide for screens", to the latest version. It now supports a dark mode, if it is enabled system-wide.

package version release changes
dippi 2.7.1 1.fc30, 1.fc29, 1.fc28 2.7.0 → 2.7.1

ruby packages

I also pushed updates to the latest version of the AsciiDoc plugin for Jekyll to fedora.

package version release changes
rubygem-jekyll-asciidoc 2.2.1 1.fc30, 1.fc29, 1.fc28 2.1.0 → 2.1.1

other packages

A new version of the editorconfig C library was released this week, and I've pushed it as updates to fedora 28 and later, since the API didn't contain any changes. The new version drops support for the pcre library in favor of pcre2, without user-visible changes.

package version release changes
editorconfig 0.12.3 1.fc30, 1.fc29, 1.fc28 0.12.2 → 0.12.3

I also updated the GTK+ GUI for Syncthing to the latest version, which was released this week. It contains fixes for its write-only folder support.

package version release changes
syncthing-gtk 1.fc30, 1.fc29, 1.fc28 →