Bug Report Galore

It took quite some time and effort (and willpower!), but I have managed to - finally - submit bug reports / issues for all the issues I pointed out in my last post (read it here).

Build issues

  • pantheon-greeter fails to build from source on fedora: Bug #1639893 on launchpad
  • switchboard-plug-onlineaccounts (and pantheon-online-accounts) are impossible to build on fedora, which also makes packaging pantheon-mail impossible: Bug #1639938 on launchpad
  • pantheon-terminal fails to build with standard compiler flags on fedora: Bug #1639883 on launchpad
  • switchboard-plug-parental-controls doesn't install its systemd unit automatically / correctly during make install: Bug #1639887 on launchpad

Runtime issues

  • switchboard-plug-power has an undocumented run-time dependency on elementary-dpms-helper (its GSettings schema, org.pantheon.dpms): Bug #1639890 on launchpad
  • switchboard-plug-security-privacy has an undocumented run-time dependency on elementary-dpms-helper (its GSettings schema, org.pantheon.dpms): Bug #1639891 on launchpad

Compatibility issues

  • egtk / elementary-gtk-theme (or, the Gtk+ stylesheet for elementaryOS - ooh, fancy) is not compatible with any recent GTK+3 release (starting with 3.20, released on 2016-03-21 - which has already been superseded by 3.22, released on 2016-09-20): Issue #44 on GitHub

Project issues

  • gala does not have a stable release and doesn't provide a release tarball: Bug #1639892 on launchpad
  • cmake-elementary is not an official project and doesn't have a stable release and release tarball, despite being depended on by stable releases of other software (appcenter): Bug #1639931 on launchpad
  • elementary-dpms-helper is not an official project and doesn't have a stable release and release tarball, despite being depended on by stable releases of other software (power and security-privacy switchboard plugs): Bug #1639935 on launchpad
  • the official loki wallpapers are not provided via tarball, are only available via git: Bug #1639922 on launchpad
  • egtk / elementary-gtk-theme does only provide unversioned official release tarball downloads (here), which is really confusing (and bad for automation): Issue #43 on GitHub


  • egtk / elementary-gtk-theme does not include an automatic install script: Issue #42 on GitHub
  • elementary-icon-theme does not include an automatic install script: Issue #145 on GitHub
  • elementary-wallpapers does not include an automatic install script: Issue #6 on GitHub
A note on elementary-dpms-helper

The files accompanying this small helper script live a life of obscurity within the default-settings-loki bzr branch - I think a project in its own right - like this one - shouldn't live in that obscure repository, as it has nothing to do with "default settings files" (putting it there seems very hack-ish). It should be broken out into a separate project (albeit a small one).